Discover our curated collection of projects and let the power of inspiration sweep you off your feet. To all our valued professional distributors and installers: these images have been specially curated for you. Download them and use them as a means to collectively convey our shared passion and vision for unparalleled quality.

Light up your spaces with daylight

Our skylights and flat roof windows are designed to blend seamlessly into any architectural design. They not only provide daylight we crave, but also ensure energy efficiency and durability. For high-resolution images for printing and other applications, please contact

Create your dream outdoor space

Our canopy systems are a perfect combination of style and functionality, designed to transform your outdoor spaces into comfortable oases. Enjoy nature, no matter the season. For high-resolution images for printing and other applications, please contact

Safety and comfort in perfect harmony

Enjoy fresh air ventilation and ensure a safe environment with our advanced smoke and heat extraction systems. An essential component for every modern building. For high-resolution images for printing and other applications, please contact

A perfect addition to any project

These products are a perfect addition to any architectural project, where design and functionality come together. For high-resolution images for printing and other applications, please contact

Extensive collection of roof edge trims

Looking for durable and versatile roof edges? Skylux Polyprofil roof edge trims are made of composite material, resistant to extreme temperature fluctuations (-40°C to +130°C), shockproof and available in various colours and sizes. Thanks to the high-quality construction with 35% glass fibres and polyester resin, these roof edges offer a fast and cost-saving installation. Ideal for the durability and aesthetics of your roof. For high-resolutions images for printing and other applications, please contact